Mighty Max Style Space Hulk Playset

Mighty Max Style Space Hulk Playset


This is a mighty max styled clamshell, playset, made for Warhammer related stuff. The different pieces are put together from various sources: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2945915 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:340075 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2568627 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4075350 It was designed to work with figures about 20x20x20 mm each. If you scale up these guys by 2x it works well: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4882090 It should fit on a 120mmx120mm base as long as you orient it the right way. I'd position the top part so that the top of it is laying on the floor of your printing platform. EDIT: I fixed some modeling errors, and changed a few things around. The bottom half is a bit sparse now, but that gives you a bit more playing area there. The top half has better detailing, and the ladder is a separate object. EDIT2: I made the generator a separate piece , so you can print it in a separate color and in higher detail, but added a little platform on the side with some railing. The top part's been cleaned up to remove some need for supports in certain areas and I squished a bit, as well as some teeth were added for detail and I put the logo on the back. I actually attempted to print the bottom side and it was turning out ok, but I didn't like how thin the bottom was so I thickened it a bit. Let me know if anyone gives it a make.



