Raspberry Pi + DockerPi Power + SSD Shield Case
This case is for Raspberry Pi 4 and DockerPi Power Board and SSD Shield. I designed it to be as small as possible. All connectors are accessible and all LEDs are visible from the outside for operational check. The DockerPi Power Board provides a stable 5V 4A power to the Raspberry Pi with 12V input, and the SSD Shield allows you to mount an SSD on the Raspberry Pi without any cords. Only Case needs Support. Docker Pi Power Board https://wiki.52pi.com/index.php/DockerPi_PowerBoard_SKU:_EP-0104 SSD Shield https://wiki.geekworm.com/X862_V2.0 M4 10mm x2 for mounting the Case to Red Cat51 Use all spacers and screws included Docker Pi and SSD Shield. The stacking order is as follows. From bottom - No Spacer under SSD Shield SSD Shield Spacer F/F M2.5 *9.5mm from SSD Shield Raspberry Pi 4 Spacer M/F M2.5 *12 + 6mm from DockerPi DockerPi Power Board Spacer M/F M2.5 *7 + 6mm from SSD Shield Put stack into case. Place the lid. Screw top and bottom.