Ergonomic "Fingergrinder" 4 Knife Maker

Ergonomic "Fingergrinder" 4 Knife Maker


Heyho I watched a video a while ago and saw this type of tool. I think this could be very usefull and safe the one or other hand from getting sanded away or burned :D However, after some searching, I couldn't find it anywhere for sale. So i designed my own version of it. This is a replacable and ergonomic version with the intention to give some grinding actions more security. I also have the ide to combine this version with some brass elements to screw on. But first I want to know if this is a good tool at all. I used it for some knifes and I am still unsure about how useful it is. So test it out and give me some feedback! Have fun and keep grinding! // The more heat resistant the material is, the better. // Print with 100% infill. // Avoid seams, where the knuckle touches. // If you have very small or big hands scale the model down or up :)





