Saturn Ring Support and Additional Ring

Saturn Ring Support and Additional Ring


This is a simple support structure for the Saturn model rings. I based these files on the 1_1_10_9 files from the original model. I decided that I wanted to have a 3D printed support structure instead of a metal rod, and it needed to be strong enough to withstand my 8-year-old. :*) I also wanted to have the ring texture on both sides since I knew my son would take issue with the slick surface on the underside. Instead of drilling into the model, I opted to utilize the provided north/south hemispheres and simply sandwich the support structure between them. The ring support simply snaps over the lower section of the model with little effort and keeps the rings from bending too much (at least downward...). The result is a pretty sturdy model that has managed to survive some rough handling. The slotted ring segments are fitted on the underside of the support ring, and should line up pretty tight with the edge of the paddle shapes. NOTE: I did have to fiddle a bit with the scale on the main support ring, and wound up printing it at 102% to get the paddles far out enough for the rings to cover them, and then I trimmed off the bumps that stuck out from the planet using an x-acto knife. The simple rectangle included in the main support STL file is a spacer for the upper rings, and I printed 4 of them. I assembled the upper rings (the ones included in the original model) by joining them with the above spacers, and then attaching the completed ring offset by 45 degrees so there was even spacing between the spacers and the main support ring paddles. The 1mm gap between the rings is pretty subtle, and it gives the rings a bit of thickness that I think holds up to handling. This is a first attempt, so I'm sure this can be improved or even rethought. I had an impatient planet fanatic who wanted a companion to his Jupiter model, so this was a bit thrown together. Enjoy!





