Nintendo Switch Joycon Grips and Stick Risers

Nintendo Switch Joycon Grips and Stick Risers


Like many users I find the Joycon's a little small for long play sessions and often enjoy playing in split-joycon mode, as such I wanted some better grips that supported disconnected play. I found BetterDuckA's model and used it as a reference point for making an Xbox-esque grip that clips over the joycons snuggly. I also modelled up some thumbstick risers as the small, low profile defaults are imprecise for more involved games (FPS, etc.). These also clip snuggly on top of the default stick rubbers and don't interfere with the range of movement. I find these to be a good balance for my hand size but feel free to leave any comments about comfort and I can make some variations to accommodate! (I've been through a few variants myself already!) Please forgive the quality of the print photos, I've been testing some new PETG filament with varying success for some other prototyping, I'll upload some better pics as I refine the design and dial in my print settings - I also have some translucent PLA that could look pretty cool here! ;) THINGS TO DO: - I think it would be cool to add a slot or two to each grip for storing game carts, expect a thicker version with that soon! - Stick riser variations, I want to try and provide a few different heights and grip patterns, any requests, feel free to hit me up in the comments! PRINT NOTES: I print these with tree supports, they come out pretty clean and the supports are easily removed. I've been printing with a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.12mm layer height for rapid prototyping but I've printed the stick risers with a 0.2mm nozzle and 0.04mm layer height for a cleaner result given the small size.







Video Games