Magnetic 5" Display Case with Mount for 4040 Extrusions
Since i really like the klipper/mainsail setup, made a cover / mount for a 5" display to setup klipperscreen. It's designed for a display connected via DSI. If you have a display with hdmi / usb, feel free to remix. The case can be used without the 4040 extrusion mount since it has its own stand in a 45° angle (file: klipperscreen_Fussplatte). If you want to use the 4040 extrusion mount, make sure that you have around 15-20mm clearence below the 4040 extrusion. I use these dampening feet on my printer: I embedded 24 hollow areas to fit 6x3mm magnets in the display case and the mount (12 in the display case, 12 in the mount. After assemby i realized, that it will probably work without magnets, but i like the snapiness when attaching the display. You can put the magnets in whlie printing by using a "pause at hight". When putting the magnets in, i goofed up, and flipped some magnets wrong, and now it repells in an area. It still works, but make sure to orientate the magnets correctly to prevent issues. When printing the mount it should be facing down. The other STLs should be rotated correctly by default. The cover and the mount might need brim ears to prevent warping. I designed the front cover (file: klipperscreen_huelle) without any tolerance, because i printed it in semisoft TPU. If you plan on printing it in PLA, make sure to either scale it up a little or use "horizontal expansion" otherwise it won't fit. The Cover is desigend for a display with these dimensions: The 4040 mount can get loose and come off, so i glued it on. I used this cap as a reference: The inner round parts were removed, and the v-slot sections were elongated. After publishing i realized, that there's a similar (not detachable) mount for sliding into the extrusion, so you might want to check that out: Klipperscreen: The screen i use: Black DSI cable: 6x3mm magnets: