Customizable Poly Form Generator
Customizable Polyhedrum with bord modulation generator (fast render) Chose botton and top diameter, height, base and top senoid parameters and you are set! Take out modulation and put faces to low (3 and up) and you will se polyhedruns Put Botton TK great than Height and you will see solids, and gears (sin profile) Started this project looking for a lamp shade, old style type. With the code inhere it will be easy to do, but it will be a more specific project due to the suports, base and lamp mounting. Have tryed many similar things, but usually render times was impratical. With this one, only two solids are generated: One is the main body (yes, it is one solid) and other for subtraction (and generate the hollow) So, I decide to publish what have done so far, that is a more general propouse and use. Have fun. 15/dez/2021 - some minor modification in code and edits for a better readbility and more comments.