Meanwell LRS-350-24 Case Ender3 (Pro)
Hey guys, I designed a PSU holder which fits the Meanwell 350-24, a C-14 socket and a XT-60 screw terminal for improved electrical safety/user safety. The design is meant for everyone who wants to improve his printer regarding a PSU/electrical safety upgrade. The main focus are Ender 3 users who upgrade the PSU from a non-brand PSU to a meanwell PSU. Ender 3 Pro users can exchange the original cover for improved safety. The hole for the XT-60 cables are way to big in the original design (max 12,5 mm) to ensure touch protection. Print the part as shown in the picture with 5 perimeters. No support or infill needed. Needed parts: <a href="">C-14 socket:</a> (Can be reused from the old PSU, check connectors!) <a href="">XT-60E-M screw terminal:</a> Cheers! Lasse