Renault Zoe Cable Hook - Customisable version

Renault Zoe Cable Hook - Customisable version


It is more a clone than a remix. I imported the original stl in openscad, and then added cubes and cylinder until the openscad version is undistinguishable from the original version. And then added parameters to the code to make it customizable. I needed this, because in my car, the source version is too small (space between the "plug" and the part that goes under the car wall is too small). What makes me believe that it is just a mistake is that on the videos and pictures of the OP, the hook seems to have the dimension that I need, and be longer than the model. Plus, the older version of the model also have the correct length, but is too narrow (the new versions, seemingly was to correct that, but, I think introduced a "bug" in the gap). So, now I have that cable hook nicely adapted to my Zoe. Many thanks to the source author for that. The .stl I've posted may help any other person (some have wrote in the comments of the source version), that wanted to have that hook but see that it is too short for their Zoe. The .scad version may help any other Zoe's owner that can't use neither of the stl (mine nor the op one), and need yet other length (after all, maybe all Zoe are unique for that matter :D) Note for openscad users: the legends in the file appears only in preview mode. I've just found out about $preview variable, so I've played with it a bit. I found it an interesting way to make documentations for customizable things.






