tiny mini wall fountain water well full functional
This mini wall fountain/ sink I made, cause I try to create the smallest functional watering item. It is printed in UV Resin on an Anycubic Photon SE. Paint the ready printed item as you like. --I just hurried in coloring as you see, cause I focused the function. The pump is available in all online dealers. It´s a cheap 5V USB pump. You have to modify the water outlet to fit into the compartment. Also a silicone hose 4.5mm diameter is needed. Assemble the hose on the outlet upwards by glue or UV-resin. Please check out my other mini fountain project Let me know, if you created a smaller fountain in function :-) The current model can be upscaled in different sizes to fit different modelling scales. My sample is 6.8mm height. NEW: I attached pics of the assembled hose on the pump and the modification on the flange. Cut off the flange and drill a hole in diameter of the hose in the flange. Fix it with UV resin or hot glue. Use the "Ver2" to print, there I´ve done some bugfixes an da nicer shaped sink and top. Enjoy the model in your diorama and decorations.