NozzleTag - Tags for nozzle sizes

NozzleTag - Tags for nozzle sizes


<b><u>Due to an error at Thingiverse, the "Download All" does not work. Download the files one by one instead...</b></u> <b>Introduction</b> I recently bought 24 nozzles from eBay, and designed my own place to store them (Nozzlebox, link below), but then I needed a way to be sure what nozzle was used on my printer. I therefore designed these tags. They snap just I place instead of the blue spacer, and is therefore placed right above your nozzle without being in your way. I uploaded tags for 0.2mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm, 0.5mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm and 1mm nozzles, but uploadet my .f3d file for customization in Fusion360, if you need another size tag. There is a .zip folder for just the text. This is meant for multicolor printing (e.g. Mosaic Palette) If you do not want to print in multiple colors, you can just ignore the "" folder, the tags will then be printed with engraved text. <b>Do you need a way to store your nozzles?</b> I made a box for different nozzle sizes... Download it here: <a href="" target="_blank">Nozzlebox - Box for nozzles</a>



