Print-in-place Trains: Holiday Package
Share a holiday message with these articulating print-in-place toy trains! See here for video: These trains use a unique print-in-place ball and socket joint to allow movement in all directions. The inner spheres print on top of tiny supports within the cavity of the neighbouring car. Once printed, a light twist of each car frees the ball within the cavity and the train can turn and bend. Be sure to let your print fully cool first! If the plastic is still soft, the connector may break when you try to move it. The letters come with customized supports. You will not need supports or brim. Here are a few tips for safely removing the supports: 1. Let the print cool completely! I leave mine overnight before removing supports 2. Using pliers, pinch the supports in different places to break or weaken the connection between support and model. Don't twist and pry first! 3. GENTLY twist the supports out, being careful to minimize strain on nearby letters. 4. They break... oops! Glue it back together! No big deal! Edit: Thingiverse user jhauri suggests drilling small holes in the supports with a Dremel to make them easier to remove. This model contains small parts and is not suitable for young children. This model done as part of a test of the Snapmaker 2.0 Modular 3-in-1 3D Printer A350T/A250T If you would like a version without custom supports or have a suggestion for another holiday message, please message me with your request and I will be happy to post. You will notice that a few unsupported versions have been added already by request. The following trains are posted here: CHRISTMAS EXPRESS CHRISTMAS TRAIN HAPPY FESTIVUS (from Seinfeld!) HAPPY HOLIDAYS HAPPY NEW YEAR MERRY CHRISTMAS OLD TOY TRAINS (a line from the song!) PEACE JOY LOVE PEACE ON EARTH PEACE TRAIN SANTA EXPRESS