tt Remix: Ender 3 Rpi Zero/W and Melzi/4.2.x Board Electronics Case

tt Remix: Ender 3 Rpi Zero/W and Melzi/4.2.x Board Electronics Case


Ender 3 Rear electronics box for stock reality boards and mount for raspberry pi zero/w Remix of 'Ender 3 all in one, universal rear electronics case by TeachingTech' Additionally has slots for 12mm Heavy Duty Toggle switch and slot for a C14 socket that you source from an old ATX PSU. ps: everything is conceiled inside the box...can't plug usb/sd_card on both rpi and controller board from outside. This is to fully integrate the electronics.... i dont need an sd card cause i am running Klipper....Just plug the RPI to the board with a short micro usb cable and forget.... Cheers



