Vulcanstrike (Vulcan rapidstrike) integration parts

Vulcanstrike (Vulcan rapidstrike) integration parts


A couple of people seem to have interest in making their own rapidstrike vulcan integration, which is almost odd to me, because I only made this to salvage scrap parts - I actually almost would rather just have had a regular rapidstrike to begin with. It's definitely starting to grow on me though - I think that sometimes it's hard to stop and see the the nice parts (uniqueness? nuance?) in your own work while trying to balance those feelings against the necessary self-critique required to improve. Regardless, this was a scrap-salvaging project, so I would highly suggest that this integration be performed at your own discretion. IMO the parts that were actually cost effective of this project were: - The vulcan top plates, those look pretty on the rapidstrike - The hinge might be reusable for other integrations, maybe print off a couple of those and chuck those into your next project - The side picatinny rails and riser aren't too bad - The paintjob, I'm happy with colour placement, maybe a little more tweaking - The "stickers" I think might be worth reusing for other modders, happy to make that available The stickers were just printed on regular paper, cut out, superglued onto the blaster and the whole thing was then protected using clearcoat, nothing complicated or fancy there.







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