Universal Adjustable Automatic Aquarium Water Bottle Top Off System and Mount (UAAAWBTOS)

Universal Adjustable Automatic Aquarium Water Bottle Top Off System and Mount (UAAAWBTOS)


V9: No more breakage of the funnel! Better adjustment. More tight funnel threads. After several prototypes, I can now say this: Supports for the threads in the mount recommended. Less filament needed, and thus less print time. Now stronger, will no longer break when the slightest pressure is applied to the funnel. V8 (all versions) still available, if that's your thing. Updated to V8! Bolt is now V2, comes with a slot. Mount V8 now has ledges of the proper height to better allow bolt adjustment. Not as tall anymore. When printing the bolt, i suggest printing it at 100% infill, and the mount at the standard 15-20% infill. Neither will need supports. No bolt versions also available. Updated to V7! Now truly universal with two adjustable bolts you can screw in to mount it properly, able to be mounted on even rimless tanks! Don't forget to print 2x MOUNT BOLT if you're gonna use it. Updated to V6! Now consumes one less hour of print time and no need for supports! Also able to be mounted on any tank with a rim, from 2.5 to 36 gallons! Adjustable screws to mount tightly and for rimless tank support coming soon! Now comes with either Cool Hexagons or No Hexagons, depending on your style choice! Without hexagons the print time is increased by a few mere minutes, so it doesn't really matter. i needed an aquarium automatic top off system that was both compatible with rimmed tanks, could hold bottles, and whose nozzle could reach into the tank properly, as well as not being weak and breaking on the corners. If it's too long, it's easily trimmed. Currently testing it's ability to be printed. I added hexagonal holes to help reduce print time and filament needed. Default position should work for it, but in case it moves it around, print it with the flat part of the bottle receiver on the print bed. Use a brim to help it stick properly. Use PETG as that's aquarium safe and won't degrade over time.






