Parametric Advent Calendar House (f360) / Adventskalender

Parametric Advent Calendar House (f360) / Adventskalender


I wanted to print a (more or less) last minute easy advent calendar, but there is not much on Thingiverse. So i designed this one. It's easy to print, different colors for roof and body are possible and it's highly customizable via custom parameters in f360. This thing can be adjusted to the shape of your gift. Any size is possible. It's intended to print 24 of them to have a little christmas village. It is a last minute print and I am not done printing it myself, but I wanted to post it anyway so that anyone who is searching for a last minute advent calendar like myself has the opportunity to print it in time. I'll try to remember to upload more images, some stl sets and more Informations on how to print these after I printed some more of them. I used this plugin to make the number parametric as well, but you can change the text in the sketch as well:






