Ruined Ulvheim Tower House

Ruined Ulvheim Tower House


Took one of Code2's excellent Ulvheim buildings and knocked some of the walls down to make it look more "ruined" to fit with the original Ulvheim aesthetic from Terrain4Print. There are a couple different options for some of the various pieces, in different degrees of disrepair. Also added some beams and timbers from the excellent Unfortunately, unlike the original, some of these pieces may require some support. I had success with supporting them at an 80 degree overhang angle - only the roof piece and the "cap" piece should require it, the rest should print okay without. I have been printing these Ulvheim buildings with a matte PLA filament at .28mm resolution, with about 4 or 5% infill. It works great, goes pretty quick (about 14 hours for one of the "first floor" prints) and looks okay because the matte filament reduces the visibility of the layer lines a lot. Happy printing!



