Candle "mould"

Candle "mould"


This is "just" a 3D-Model of a candle, but with the right option activated in Cura you get a fabulous moulding cast. Diameter: 40mm Height: 100mm (with Wick), 90mm (without Wick) Wickdiameter: 3mm or Wick number 4 (e.g. Slicer: Cura I built this model to mould my own candles with wax. I mix normal wax and beewax, normally I just melt old candles and if I don't have enough old beewax-candles I add some of these beewax pellets or a slice of my beewax-"cake". If there is too little beewax in the waxmix the chances of getting sinkholes in the middles are very high and then it's very difficult to get the cooled off candle out of the mould. To get the casting mould I used the option in Cura "Mold" in the section "Special Modes", which slices a mould cast from the model you load. Make sure that you rotate the model, so that the candle is upside-down, with the wick on the printbed. I also uploaded the fusion file, so that you can change the parameters for your own canlde if you want to. ;) Have fun moulding your own candles





