Linear Shock Active Suspension Damper Motor Generator

Linear Shock Active Suspension Damper Motor Generator


Thoughts are begining to condense into a 'library' of parametric open_SCAD code. Think about a Linear Shock Active Suspension Damper Motor Generators Nothing has been tested yet! There is much yet undone - like the tube that must hold the magnets.They are mounted under tension with opposing poles forced together in order to create a 'halbach like effect' that displaces the magnetic path to the outside and generate a 'pole frequency' as preconfigured the file is adjusted for 20mm diameter 10mm high Neodymium Magnets ( Support my developments and sharing by buying from me: ) and its configured for 3 phase coils which can be modified in the code or possibly the customizer (untested). Using a 2 diode 2 capacitor voltage doubler on each coil - and all doublers in series (with an extra shottky diode for reversal avoidance) a decent voltage might be generated depending on the amount of motion and its frequency... Linear Motor Generator sets have many potential uses but also significant limitations. The alternative of using rotational motor generators that simulate linear motors via belts or gears is attractive because at the margins of a linear setup either a quantity of magnets or coils will be out of range and uneffective! I cant think about real workarounds for this problem! The mass of the magnets or coils will become a factor too. The holy grail of active supspension and energy recovery from shock absorber damping comes at a cost - My store doesn't yet sell superconductive room temperature filament in 1.75mm spools - and don't hold yer breath for it ;)





