Rolling Plotter (aka Porta Plotty)

Rolling Plotter (aka Porta Plotty)


<b>Rolling Plotter (aka Porta Plotty)</b> This is a remix from GeoDave's Rolling Plotter. My wife use it to plott textile sewing patterns mostly in DIN A0, furthermore it laser engrave things, if i needed too. <b>Basic Structure:</b> The Plotter is build with two 2040 1500mm long v-slot profiles. So there is an working area of 1450mm on the x side, and theoretically unlimited workspace on the y side. <b>Y-Axis:</b> Both sides are parallel (4x4) driven from one motor over an 8mm shaft and two 400mm GT2 Belts to four 50mm soft rubber wheels. <b>X-Axis:</b> I used an [Openbuild V-Gantry]( that was in my parts box as spare for whatever / whenever. <b>Z-Axis:</b> Workarea about 56mm <b>Electrical:</b> I used an MKS DLC Controller, with DRV8825 Steppermodules and a MKS TFT24 for offline plotting / engraving (GRBL based), behind the case there is an 40mm fan to cooldown the DRV8825. In the middle there is an electric box, which includes the laser pwm module and the cable connections, optional ability is to plug an 30mm fan on the cover. Cable is leaded out through an 16mm flex pipe to the X gantry. Furthermore i inserted two buttons behind the display, one for disable the laser, the other to power the line-lasers on for Y axis adjustments in relation to the used material or paper. <b>Things that must be uploaded next, not done yet:</b> -<b>Endstops</b> -<b>Shaft Bracket, cause of looong shaft that tends to bend</b> -<b>Laser Mount</b> -<b>[Line-Laser]( mount (for easyer adjust Y-Axis alignment)</b> <b>Mechanical List:</b> -<b>2 x 2040 Profile (Used 1500mm)</b> -<b>1 x 8mm Shaft (Used 2000mm and cut it to the right length)</b> -<b>8 x 608 Bearings for Wheels, for each Wheel two pieces</b> -<b>2 x 608 Bearings for 8mm Shaft</b> -<b>1 x 608 Bearing for Z-Axis TR8 Leadscrew</b> -<b>Optional: 1 x 608 Bearing for the shaft bracket, need only for looong X Axis</b> -<b>2 x 100mm precision shaft</b> -<b>1 x 100mm TR8 Leadscrew (Pitch with 2 is just fine)</b> -<b>1 x TR8 Lead Nut with same pitch</b> -<b>1 x Lock Collar 8mm bore</b> -<b>2 x LM8UU or Drylin, what you prefer</b> -<b>1 x GT2 open belt (more than twice long as 2040 profile)</b> -<b>2 x GT2 400mm closed belts for Y driven shaft, motor and pulleys</b> -<b>1 x GT2 122mm closed belt for Z-Axis</b> -<b>4 x 60T 8mm bore Timer Pulleys</b> -<b>2 x 20T 8mm bore Timer Pulleys</b> -<b>2 x 20T 5mm bore Timer Pulleys</b> -<b>2 x Teethless 5mm bore Idler Pulleys</b> -<b>1 x Teethless 3mm bore Idler Pulley</b> <b>Electrical List:</b> -<b>2 x Stepper Motor (Used HS4401 - 1.7A)</b> -<b>1 x Small or Pancake Stepper Motor for Z Axis</b> -<b>MKS DLC & MKS TFT24</b> -<b>Optional: 4 x Microswitch for Endstops</b> -<b>Optional: One or two [Line-Laser]( for alignments</b> .... I extend the list of used material piece for piece in the next days





