FR2 Fish Feeding Ring 2

FR2 Fish Feeding Ring 2


Magnetic Fish Feeding Ring This thing uses 8 - 8mm diameter by 3mm tall round niobium magnets. Print using 0.2mm layer height. Add a pause at layer 36 (7.2mm) so that you can insert four magnets (two into each hole) into the FR2_Mag piece. (This piece will be on the outside of the glass). NOTE: to pint the mag case correctly, orient the model so that the flat is on the build plate. I am including a .3mf for Prusa Slicer that has all the pieces oriented correctly. There are two caps that are meant to cover the magnets on the inside of the ring. Use some aquarium safe silicone glue to fasten these in after inserting 4 magnets (two in each hole). Be sure of the orientation of the magnets that you put into the ring. you want them to be attracted to the outside magnet case! I accomplish this by double stacking the magnets and then placing them on the magnet case, then taking one stack at a time and pressing them into the holes on the ring. Once all your magnets are safely installed (you may even choose not to use the caps), place the ring on the inside of the tank, and the magnet case on the outside. now move the ring down so it's just on the surface of the water and boom. all the food will be kept in one place! Until it sinks, that is.






