G29 Shifter Mod

G29 Shifter Mod


Hi! So I don't know why I'm posting this for free but I hope people will enjoy this :D 4 days of designing, countless hours, whole 1kg spool of abs, 22 design versions, tens of prints. Here is the result. ABOUT THIS MOD: 10 Different stiffness versions. I recommend starting with the number 3. Number 0 is the loosest and number 9 is the stiffest. 9 is like mega ultra stiff and probably unusable :D. Is getting brekages then try a looser one. This mod makes the shifter feel like one in a real car. You get a tactile bump when starting to shift and again when it goes into gear, the same as in my audi 6speed. Shifting becomes very clear and you don't need to guess anymore you just know you went into the right gear. Stock throw of the shifter is about 6cm and with this mod 5cm so the shifting becomes fast and stiff. INSTALLATION: No screws, tape, glue etc. required. 1. Take off the shift pattern cover 2. Screw out the m4 screw holding the knob on 3. Screw out the 6 screws holding the boot with a 2,5mm allen key 4. Drop in the spring (the small part) with the arrows facing up 5. Drop in the rail (the large part) and make sure everything fits and slides good 6. Install everything back together the way it was and you're done! If you want you can file or sand every sliding part and lubricate everything with silicone grease, but I designed this so everything works perfect straight from the printer. UPDATES: 30/11/2021 Changed toleranses and made the spring more durable. 12/12/2021 Made 10 different stiffness versions. Improved toleranses on the rail. 25/12/2021 Made improvements on toleranses on the rail.






