Laundry detergent scoop

Laundry detergent scoop


It's a scoop. I'm not sure exactly how much - I designed it to be 80ml, but with the fiddling afterwards that's probably only accurate to within 20% or so. Good enough for laundry. If you were to measure it though, you could easily just adjust the scale to compansate. So what makes mine special, when there are so many on thingiverse? Easy: My printer sucks at overhangs. This scoop is designed to print without supports even allowing for that. There is an unsupported overhang, of course - can't be avoided on a scoop, by nature of the shape of it - but it's a lot less severe than in another design I've found. The shape of the inner bowl is adjusted slightly, introducing an assymetry that adds a little more support and reduces the unsupported perimeter in each layer. Overall that makes this an easy print even on less-than-perfect printers. It also has that nice fashionable low-poly look to it. I could have made it a smooth hemisphere, but I think this looks nicer.



