Bicopter / Dualcopter parts

Bicopter / Dualcopter parts


If you accept the challenge to build a working bicopter/dualcopter, here´s my working solution for a barebone frame. Used components: - 10x10mm alu frame profiles - Emax CF2822 motors 1200kV - 8x3x4 ball bearings (4pcs) for tilt axis - 3mm carbon rod for tilt axis (leftovers from "idiot´s cross", see below) - KK2.0 board (use anything newer or better at your own leisure, this ancient thing works) - 3s 2200mAh LiPo - 3mm carbon fiber "idiot´s cross" landing skid (for now - provisions for monocycle are done) - 9x4,5" props CW/CCW - 2x fast metal gear micro servos (the type and size you´d put on a 450 heli swashplate) - 5ch receiver of choice I normally dont´use classic prop adapters but simple fit adapters and cable ties to minimize "spun mass" Getting this to fly is a challenge with PID parameters and settings, but the result is something you don´t see every day on this world´s RC airfields. Meanwhile i have quite a few hours of flight time on this copter, and it does really well - cruises nicely and hover is controllable - not as simple as your common quadcopter, but easily flyable by anyone who successfully tackled an old fashioned RC helicopter before.. Takes some playing with settings - look for KK2 bicopter at RCGROUPS, and you´ll find some initial hints.







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