Moon Lamp Lithophane

Moon Lamp Lithophane


I made this print from: Follow this steps in order: 1- Go to and download the moon texture at 2k resolution. Open it in the photoshop. 2-Remove the background of your photo with: 3-Open that photo without background (png file) in Photoshop. From the bottom to the top, cover the moon texture with your photo only until the inch 5. So, at the top of your picture (at the top of your head) you will only see the moon texture. 4- Add any text if you want. Give some space between the person on your photo and the text 5-Save as png 6-Go to: and use the following set up: -Fit image to Sphere -Lithophane Resolution: 0.25 -Sphere Diameter: 140 (This is the final size of the moon, You can do it 120 or 160) -Picture Angular Height: 161.25 -Picture Angular Width: 360.00 -Maximum Thickness: 2.7 -Minimum Thickness: 0.6 -Cylinder Outer Diameter: 45 -Cylinder Height: 2 -Cylinder Thickness: 2 -Cylinder Ledge Outer Diameter: 48 -Top Hole Outer Diameter: 0 -X Shift: 0.00 -Y Shift: 0.00 Put your Email and export the stl file. Use this printing set up: -Quality: 0.1 -Infill: 100 -Brim: Yes -Support: no Printing speed: 50% (This is very important for the quality and the condition of the nozzle is very important too. As more new is the nozzle as more quality on your moon. I made the parts for hold the lights (cylinder, clip and light holder) from: Use this set up: -Scale the cylinder in Cura, at 40.5 mm. Do it Uniform Scale -Scale the clip 23.7 mm, do it uniform scale. -Scale the holder 35.5 mm, do it uniform scale. The clip is going inside the holder for keeping the light board circuit firm, and the holder is going inside the cylinder (I attached a photo of the bottom). I bought the light kit set (light led, remote control and the wood base) at:







3D Printing