Christmas Tree Kit Card
**There is currently a bug where the 'Download All Files' button takes you to a 404 page. You need to download each file separately in the Thing Files tab!** *** **It's that time of the year *again!*** This time in the form of a miniature Christmas tree, to hang up on your larger Christmas tree, if you so choose! There are already a plethora of other tree kits on Thingiverse, so I thought I'd try something a little different with this one! *Just a few to check out...* **[Evergreen Tree by SevenXsix]( [Christmas Tree by Seth995]( [Evergreen Tree by W3ace]( [Christmas Tree by Watchyasix](** *** There are 4 variants, each with different names! **Kit_A says Christmas Tree Kit_B says Merry Christmas Kit_C says Happy Holidays Kit_D says O Tannenbaum** For those uninterested in the card format, there are frameless variants included alongside the individual part files! Happy Printing! If printing parts separately, you will need **2x 'Christmas_Tree_Strut-2'** *** The order of the connections is important for a secure fit around the peak. Simply match the O symbols and have the 2 arrowed parts pointed at eachother. Trial and error works too! Makes greatly appreciated, always happy to see them! *** *This model and its associated files are for personal use only, feel free to print as many as you wish and gift them out to family, friends, or even your enemies. **All of my kits are marked as non-commercial and not available for selling on any platform, along with any remixes created from them.*** [![Buy Me a Coffee at](](