Dice Tower - Triple Helix - Spiral fan dice roller with 3 exits
*DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS:* "Download All" feature of Thingiverse is not working. Please click on "Thing Files" button and download the STL files individually. This Dice Tower has 3 Helical Spirals - to roll dice and throws the dice out via the 3 exits. I am trying to create variant versions of the 'look' of some of my other Dice Towers i've designed . (This one has 3 hidden balls inside the tower) Your dice (even small 12mm dice) will not fall through the holes on the tower walls. The holes are too small. Printing - -At full scale this dice tower is 245mm tall and 80mm in diameter. Depending on the size of your machine, check your build volume. - The whole tower can be printed without any supports. All overhang angles are well controlled. - Can be printed with coarse layers unto 0.28mm layer height without loss of quality. Other Versions: - * For version with catch tray / dice tray at the base, see: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5155735 * For version with a Castle theme, see: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5158609