The Puzzle - Puzzle Box Remixed By LeisureLuke

The Puzzle - Puzzle Box Remixed By LeisureLuke


The Puzzle has been REMIXED! Thank you for all the feedback, it's allowed us to make this puzzle box extra robust and much much more fun! All the feedback has lead to MASSIVE improvements! Stronger, No more wear, less breaking, smoother, better, easier to use/store/ship and MORE! Only Pieces ending in _R have been remixed. The Spring improvements: There is now an option to add a dental rubber band, so your Piece8 spring never wears out. The Mechanical improvements: 4Spring.stl has been modified to it is a tighter fit to piece4. Checkout the Remixes explained in this video: The original YouTube Promo Video: The original Assembly Instructional Video: The Puzzle- Puzzle Box is an original design by Leisure Luke. It's a 21 Piece Puzzle Box that is easy to print, has built in tolerances, and it's fun to solve! Assembling it DOES NOT give away how to solve it! No Supports Needed, Recommend turning off brims. Print it in PLA or PETG! Very little plastic used! 0.1mm tolerance for all non-sliding parts. 0.2mm tolerance for sliding parts Verified to Print well at 100% and 150% sizes (I used a 0.4mm nozzle) The colors make no difference in the solve. Here are my colors for each .stl model PuzzleBase_R - Red for first 5 layers, Marble for the remainder PuzzleLid - Marble Black: Piece2, Piece4, Piece6, LockSupport, Clips (1) White: Piece1, Piece3, Piece7, Piece9, WheelLock, Clips (2) Blue: Piece8, 4Spring_R, InnerWheel, Clips (1) Red: 6Spring, OuterWheel, Piece5 NOTE: To reduce friction, I print Piece2, Piece4, Piece6, and Piece8 at a slightly lower layer height - 0.16mm to prevent layers aligning when pieces are sliding. This is optional, but produces the best result. You should be able to straight from the PRINT bed to ASSEMBLY! No External parts needed - no metal springs, no screws, no bearings, no magnets, no electronics, NO GLUE, NO SANDING... you get the idea! As tested - 100% PLA 3D Printed! Print all 17 pieces and 4 clips and they'll fit together pretty easily. Watch the YouTube video, I use a pliers for some parts of the assembly. Again, see the YouTube Videos to get excited, for assembly, and if needed, to show the solve as well! Comment, Provide Feedback, I always want to improve these puzzles for the final larger project! These are all modular pieces that will be a part of a larger project... that I rambled on about in Episode 1 :P Basically, each puzzle becomes a side of Puzzle box that I call - the 5 aces. After the 4th Puzzle Box I'll release the final pieces required to do the full "5 Aces" Assembly. I'll also be printing and sending that puzzle box to a few youtubers to solve, and possibly selling a fully-assembled version on Etsy (if people are interested). Thanks for all the likes and feedback! I need more feedback always! I'd love a like, follow, subscribe, etc. I'm hoping I can keep making cutting edge puzzle boxes bigger better and FREE for a long time!!!! Check Out The Key &The Launch Puzzle Boxes at my Thingiverse Page! Like, Subscribe, Follow, Collect, and I'll keep making puzzle boxes! Enjoy! Print Settings Printer: Artillery Sidewinder X1 V4 Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: 0.2mm and 0.16mm Infill: 15% Filament brand: TECBears Filament material: PLA Print Settings Printer: Artillery Sidewinder X1 V4 Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: 0.2mm and 0.16mm Infill: 15% Filament brand: TECBears Filament color: Black, White, Blue, Red Silk, Marble Filament material: PLA



