Mini 4WD Stabilizer Ball

Mini 4WD Stabilizer Ball


This is a simple stabilizer ball for use with Tamiya Mini 4WD models. Dimensions are based on some official stabilizer balls I own, visible in one of the thumbnails. These obviously aren't going to be accepted as official in some if not most official races, so check the rules if you're in a place that actually holds races. I only made them because getting Tamiya parts is hard in the US if you don't live in California. Please note, that these aren't meant to be permanent high-durability objects. If you keep screwing and unscrewing it, it'll get looser and you might need to print a new one. There aren't proper screw threads in the hole cause that for sure wouldn't print well, so you are screwing right into the plastic. I HIGHLY recommend you have a rubber tube or some kind of grippy thing to work with these, it makes installing them and uninstalling them way easier.






