Komet Hand Mixer RG5 Eject lever

Komet Hand Mixer RG5 Eject lever


A replacement lever for one of my Komet RG5 hand mixer, since on one it was missing. This piece only requires a M4 x 10 mm hexagon socket screw. Cutting threads is not necessary, adding a little bit of fast curing epoxy or superglue into the hole on the back will permanently hold it in place. (Make sure to not get any Glue on the mixer itself) You may though need to bend the small metal plate, where the original eject lever was Heat-Staked to so the M4 screw heat will sit flush against it. I have also made a few other replacement parts for this mixer, that may also fit in other models, like the hexagon socket that connects to accessories, an improved cover that helps lubricating the gears and prevents the grease from building up ontop of the gears and a the regular Gear cover.



