Assorted E3D Nozzle Box Insert

Assorted E3D Nozzle Box Insert


You need one of each part and the box that assorted nozzles come in, I used the one from Trianglelab. The nozzle grip and the outer grip need to be printed in TPU (I use 95A) or another soft filament. The label section needs to be hard, I used PLA and made the top few layers a different colour so the text is easily readable. Put the soft outer grip in first and then press the label (the part with the numbers) down into it, it should be a super snug fit. Then push the Nozzle grip into the label section and make sure it goes all the way down to the bottom, it is also really snug. No glue should be necessary. You can push nozzles in and out without screwing them into the TPU but it does take a bit of force, I find getting my fingernail under the nozzle makes it easy to pull out and it gets easier as you use it.



