Modular Spice rack

Modular Spice rack


A modular Spice Rack for several Spicecontainers (espacially Kotanyi and Spar). The easy to click system enables costumised rack sizes. Additionally the Module holder can be used to extend and costumise the setup with a lot of differents gadgets like a sprouting glass, or different shelfs. To further allow readily integrating self constructed modules, the interface dimensions can be found in the sketches. For a good rigid mounting i would recomment to screw the rack to the wall (for longer setups use a module holder after 4-6 spiceholders), but also good doublesided adhesive could work. The Refill Modules (refillmod*.stl) come with some numbering at the end. This indicates the outer diameter (just the round part not including the thread nobs) of the used jar. The same is applicable for the sprouting_jar. So e.g. sproutingmod66 would fit on a ~66mm outer diameter jar. Please note that for printing the refill modules. I printed these by cutting the lower 3mm (e.g. the height where the slider fit into) in software and printed it separatly. After printing i just glued these together. This step would allow you to print these parts without supports and the slider will work nicely. If you decide to print with supports you might need some stamina to figgle out the supports of the tight slit. Obviously, you will need supports for the doubleshelfmod and onehalfshelfmod objects. Most of the other will work without pretty well.



