Updated Rams for Mega Caliburns (Oring + Vanguard options)

Updated Rams for Mega Caliburns (Oring + Vanguard options)


Three different improved Ram designs for Mega Caliburns. The first (V2) just adds an o-ring slot, the second (V3) is a vanguard pusher (meaning it allows magazines to be inserted without priming the blaster), and the third (V4) is an untested design that should function identically to V3 while allowing a bit more airflow. They are all designed for 3/4" OD x 9/16" ID O-rings. V3 and V4 include 2 O-ring slots, which I've found improves the seal even further. I recommend printing with a ton of perimeters and 100% infill. Consider printing a little hotter than normal to ensure good layer adhesion. (I printed mine at 210 degrees, 8 perimeters, 100% infill). Please let me know if you test the V4 version and if you run into any issues. Thanks!



