Lazy Susan - Learning Resources Create-a-Space Storage Center

Lazy Susan - Learning Resources Create-a-Space Storage Center


<h2>What is it?</h2> My wife asked if I can convert our Learning Resources Art Caddy to rotate more freely. The art caddy looks like it should have obviously been when purchased, so I designed a lazy susan system for this art caddy! <h2>Which art caddy does this fit?</h2> Here is the Learning Resources Create-a-Space Storage Center this was designed for: <i>(this is not an affiliate link or anything, simply where we purchased it from)</i> <h2>How it was designed</h2> I had some 608ZZ bearings lying around from a filament storage box I printed previously and decided to use this as the bearing for the lazy susan. I suspect any 608 bearing would work, I didn't choose the 608ZZ for any other reason except that I had it on hand. Tolerances on everything are intentionally tight so no glue or adhesive is needed, but it's still a good friction fit and won't come apart. I set the height of the turntable section to still support itself on the table it's sitting on to limit stress on the 3D printed parts. However, it is also just high enough to make turning the art caddy much easier. <h2>Makes and Comments</h2> Makes are very appreciated and I'm more than happy to modify this as needed if you need anything changed on it!






