R89 safety razor clone.  Safety Razor HC Remix with screw bolt

R89 safety razor clone. Safety Razor HC Remix with screw bolt


Hello fellas. This is a Remix from the "Safety Razor HC" designed by Guillermo Vera. I have made this in order to improve the security. The target is avoid touch the blade with the fingers like in the original design. At least, the Top Cap MUST BE printed in PETG 100% infill. Avoid PLA, because can broke easily around the screw. The other pieces can be printed with PLA or PETG and 30% infill The Top Cap MUST BE printed vertically with supports. SO first print the top cap with supports and then print the 2 other pieces without supports and less infill. YOU MUST CUT OFF THE EXCESS OF FILAMENT IN THE THREAD BOLT WITH A CUTTER All pieces must be printed vertically Please, take care with the tolerances. Pieces must fit smooth and the disamble must be smooth too. If the fit is not smoot. PLEASE, don´t put the razor. If the holes in the base plate are small, you can drill with a 5 or 5,5 mm bit for the center and 5 mm for the sides.- Enjoy the shaver. Its very smooth and effective ************************************************************************************************** Hola amigos. Esto es un Remix de la "Safety Razor HC" diseñada por Guillermo Vera. He hecho este remix con objeto de mejorar la seguridad en el montaje de la hoja. El objetivo es evitar tener que tocar la hoja con los dedos para deslizar el cabezal. En su lugar he diseñado un tornillo. Al menos el cabezal superior (Top Cap) debe ser impreso en PETG con 100% de relleno. El resto de piezas pueden imprimirse en PLA o PETG con 30% de relleno. El cabeza superior (Top Cap) DEBE imprimirse con soportes y en vertical. DEBERÁS QUITAR LOS BORDES DE LOS SOPORTES DEL TORNILLO CON UN CUTTER Todas las piezas deben imprimirse en vertical Disfruta la maquinilla. Es muy suave y efectiva!







Hand Tools