Ender 3 and ender 5 Pro enclosure for core XY XAVY V0
this is my own version of an enclosure for the ender 5 and ender 5 pro. You will need to be able to drill, cut and tap aluminum extrusions', v rails are recommended, measurement on step file are correct size for the ender 5 and ender 5 pro, this is one of my fist projects I'm not a professional using CAD software so bear with me. A list of materials as well as links to them will be updated later during the project. Im working on having some videos so you can see in deep how to assemble it, be aware that by doing this you will have to change change firmware since this is intended for a corexy voron 1.8 type of printer, Klipper its recommended but not necessary since you can use marlin as well, take into consideration that you will lose some print volume as a standard an ender 5 and ender 5 pro its 220x220x300 but you will lose 30mm on z and 4mm on x so it'll be something like 216x220x270. Happy 3d printing guys any question leave them on the comments and I'll try to answer them.