N Scale Model Train 9x12 Inch Curved Turnout Jig With PCB Tie Cutter and Gapping Tool

N Scale Model Train 9x12 Inch Curved Turnout Jig With PCB Tie Cutter and Gapping Tool


N Scale Model Train 9x12 Inch Curved Turnout Jig With PCB Tie Cutter and Gapping Tool. I'm hand building a N scale model train layout using mostly my own designed and 3D printed jigs and tools. I needed a 9x12 inch curved turnout that followed my 9 inch curved mainline with a 12 inch diverging rail. You can find a video about the jigs and building the turnout here: https://youtu.be/KfwE8CMRddQ The rails are soldered together using copper clad PCB board ties that need to be cut to length and gapped to prevent a direct short circuit between the two rails. One rail being positive and the other negative. The crossing area or frog needs to be isolated and have a separate electric connection that changes the polarity with the switch direction. The Tie Cutter and Gapper Tool make the PCB board preparation much easier and more accurate. It is designed to use Fast Tracks PCB ties. Two versions of tiebed are included. One set of ties has a basic throwbar end while the other are made for my choice of stepper motors.







Hand Tools