Ender 3 Pro LCD & Raspberry Pi Enclosure
**Update: 1/2/2022** Added v33 of Pi-Zero Case which I have tested to work fine with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. Also used a sitting block inside instead of mounting holes which reduce overhang on the print when printed vertically. **__ Do not use the v6 of PiZero and v16 of Pi3!! They are badly misaligned with the printer dimensions. DO NOT USE! __** I am currently correcting this and will upload a new version soon. Remix of [eoyilmaz's LCD enclosure + Raspberry Pi Case](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4586351) I wanted to have the raspberry sit at the bottom of the case to allow more space to place items on top of it. Tried to learn FreeCAD to directly edit the files but it was a disaster so redid the entire model in Fusion 360. I also added different placement holes to place a Raspberry Pi Zero (or the new second generation one) inside. Feedback welcome.