Dry(er)-Box Airflow Diverter
Home-Brew Dry(er)-Box Airflow Diverter (UP FRONT, Sorry for the STUPID BIG File sizes! I can't "simplify" the files any further in 3D Builder due to the numbers of vertices used to form the shapes and holes.. that's not one of 3D Builder's strong points) We live on a Small Island just off the East Coast of Hot, Humid, South Carolina. Most 3D Printer Filaments are VERY Hygroscopic (IE: "They SUCK UP Moisture"). So as you might expect, "Humidity ruining our 3D Printer Filament" is a MAJOR problem here, even though our house is very well climate controlled and sealed. Wet Filament was starting to cost us more money per month than the total price that a decent homemade solution to the problem would cost, So I made several large "Dry(er)-Boxes" that are able to store, and Dry, 12-15 rolls of Filament at a time.