Dual-Color/2-Color Filament Orientation Coin
With the latest craze of Dual-Color/2-Color/etc. filament (where half the filament is 1 color and half is another), an interesting challenge exists: how do you orient your part? MatterHackers (one of the makers/sellers of a brand of Dual Color filament) recommends a "Orientation Coin" but didn't actually have one for people to print. This is my version of such a coin. Remember that the filament has 2 sides, so print the coin, find the transition points or the most prominent colors and use that to determine how much to rotate your model. It may take some playing around the first time, but after 1-2 attempts you should be aware of the rotation you want to get the color you want. Once done, you should be able to maintain that orientation for all prints with the filament. I've not found it to shift much (if at all). *v2* Print in vase-mode. The gap can be used as a frame of reference, and 15 notches (with the gap taking the 16th notch) for getting general degree angle. *v1* It has small flats to keep the frame of reference, and 16 notches for getting general degree angle.