Critical Role: Fresh Cut Grass (FCG)
It's a shiny day and here's everyone's favorite healbot for you to make straight from Critical Role - Campaign 3. All credit for the hands goes to turelpld. I use their hands for the model here. The wheel was redesigned from Stuart800 ( Everything else was created from scratch. The hands are detachable so that FCG's other items (Bolt thrower and handsaw) can be attached. I have other plans but have not fully printed them. I will update when I have those available. For any supports or joints, I recommend going with 80% infill as they will snap easily. Other body parts can be fine with 20% For the arms I used a 3/8 inch rod. For the hair I drilled holes in the head and use 14 gauge lamp wire for the hair. I recommend using twisted lamp wire to add the frayed ends. Thanks for looking and have a smiley day!