Automatic alarm clock turret

Automatic alarm clock turret


3D MODEL DESCRIPTION Automatic alarm clock turret for those who are no longer helped by a regular alarm clock. If you don't turn it off in the allotted time, then it will douse you with cool water. The turret is built on NodeMCU, so it can be controlled via wifi from a phone or computer, right from the browser. The turret is equipped with an auto-guidance system based on a pyroelectric motion sensor. However, you can use a more advanced version of auto guidance: by camera, using OpenCV, if you have a raspberry pi available. More: Code: List of parts required for printing: - base_link.stl x1; - bearing_holder.stl x1; - bearing_spacer.stl x1; - box_leg.stl x4; - box_spacer.stl x4; - display_holder.stl x1; - first_link.stl x1; - gun_barrel.stl x1; - gun_module.stl x1; - gun_module_cup.stl x1; - hc-sr501_module.stl x1; - hc-sr501_module_cup.stl x1; - modules_stand.stl x1; - nozzle.stl x1; - second_link_base.stl x1; - servo_holder.stl x1; Main parts - esp8266 NodeMCU v3; - 2 x 18650 Batteries and battery compartment for them; - SSD1306 128x64 I2C display; - PCA9685 module; - DS1302 real time clock; - LM2596 buck step down dc/dc converter; - 2 x MG995 Servos; - 2 x HW-517 or other transistor switch; - water pump; - speaker; - silicone tube D=10mm, d=7mm; - 2 x plywood 150x150x6 mm for the base; (+ second_link_base.stl can also be cut from plywood) - toggle switch; - HC-SR501 motion sensor; - breadboard (optional); - [links, body, etc.] (current stl files) Fasteners (length in millimeters): - Self-tapping screw DIN7982 3.5x9.5 x2; - Self-tapping screw DIN7981 2.2x9.5 x20; - Self-tapping screw DIN7981 2.9x9.5 x14; - Screw DIN7985 M3x25 x1; - Screw DIN7985 M3x16 x6; - Screw DIN7985 M3x12 x21; - Screw DIN965 M6x60 x4; - Nut DIN934 M3x0.5 x28; - Nut DIN934 M6x5 x4; 3D PRINTING SETTINGS Designed for PLA. Support is required only in some problem areas for some fasteners or at the joints of parts. I recommend printing the parts as they're set in stl files. Nozzle - 0.4mm. Layer height - 0.2mm. Speed and Infill should be chosen as you see fit.






