3D Printed LEGO Guitar Body - Stratocaster Type - Full Sized
###Please note: This is still a work in progress and I've not yet printed this myself. To Do: 1) Refine dowel positioning / reduce instances 2) Cosmetic improvements for realistic "Lego" look 3) Confirm print settings for best surface quality (need to print it all first...) 4) Confirm print settings for dowels 5) Update 'TwistKnob' model Print your own: ##LEGO Fender Stratocaster Taking inspiration from the recently released LEGO fender guitar, I decided to create a full size version which you can actually play. I've included the body (split into 7 parts), dowels, scratch plate, strap hooks and knobs. The main body geometry (for the bridge, neck and pickups) is based on my previous Stratocaster model, so most guitar components related to the Fender Strat model line should be compatible. Its still a work in progress, so things may still change (see my to do list above). If you do end up making this, firstly, Thanks :) Secondly, please give me constructive feedback so I can make improvements. Happy printing chaps!