Minecraft Ore Block Curing Station
A remix of "mrspiffy" Minecraft Ore Lamp. When I first saw that Ore lamp I thought it would be nice to make it into a Curing Station for my resin printer. I re-mixed it, so the design can now be used as UV curing station for use with a resing printer. All parts fit on a standard Ender 3. I used a UV lamp + turn table I got from aliexpress: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005002365179248.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dL75B2g For the inside I would recommend to completely tape it with aluminum tape to distribute the light more evenly. (except off course for the white inserts if you want your build to light up). The easiest way I found to cut the shapes in the tape to let the ligth through. Is to first with an exacto knife cut a little bit in the plastic (insert) where I want the light to come through. Then tape over the part with reflective tape. Then if you look closely you can still see the marks of the cut that you made before through the tape, This you can use as a guide to cut the tape with a sharp knife.