Christmas and Advents Wonder Calendar

Christmas and Advents Wonder Calendar


Late december 2021 ... to late for this but I didn't find something I liked; so I designed my own advent calendar - after Christmas is before Christmas. Please notice that printing this will take some time (the calendar body alone took me 2 days). You will find a rotation base plate, the corpus of the calendar and set of boxes for the bottom and the top half where you can choose the numbered boxes to have a regular sortation or a random one for your own choice. This boxes cover the days 1 to 20. For the corpus corners you find the boxes for days 21 to 23 and a special, big box on top for day 24 (with rotatable cover after drawing it out). I recommend to have some small sweeties in the boxes for day 1 to 20 and perhaps something more valuable for 21 to 23 or a small paper with notices where to find a bigger gift. Have fun and merry Christmas to everybody






