Medical Infusion Port Model

Medical Infusion Port Model


This is a representative model of a medical infusion port typically used for chemotherapy and the administration of other medicines. A similar device is surgically installed under the skin and connected to the heart with a catheter. This allows medicine to consistently be administered directly to the center of the cardiopulmonary system. For children, this can be an especially invasive procedure that leaves a visible bump under the skin. To make this easier to explain to siblings and friends, each patient gets to keep one of these models. You can print this model in any color, although white or silver are the most common. The inside can be filled with hot glue, but you will need an especially high temperature to get the glue to self level. The hole for the catheter is 1/8 inch and will fit any 1/8" OD silicone tube you can buy on amazon. We typically distribute these to child life specialists to be handed out to patients. They can be printed with no support material, but we normally print 12 at a time on a single raft, making them easy to distribute in sheets. *THIS IS A TOY MODEL ONLY; NOT MEANT FOR MEDICAL INSTRUCTION* *REPRESENTATIVE OF A CATEGORY OF MEDICAL PRODUCTS; NOT ASSOCIATED WITH OR BASED ON ANY SPECIFIC PRODUCT LINE*






