Colony Ship

Colony Ship


So this was an idea. If Federation people wanted to colonize a planet they would need a ship. So my idea is that this is made from recycled ships and parts to help colonials find another world to live on. I upgraded the design but still started with the basic TOS ship then went from there. Again this is for personal use only. Anyone wants to sell my stuff then share the profits with me. I don't require much. I did this at 300 mm but obviously you can resize it. I designed it with the needs of a colonizer in mind. The ship size is relative to the bridge size so it is smaller then the normal starfleet ship. I added some decent weapons for defense. I did add a shuttle bay to the ship also. There is a phaser cannon on the front of the ship with the typical starfleet weapons. Enjoy Upodate: I found a mistake on the model and I fixed it and replaced it.



