Sony NPF-550 Battery Holder (4x)
<h3>Model</h3> This is a holder for 4x Sony NPF-550 batteries, helping store them and stop them from wandering loose around a camera bag / case. These are great little holders to organise batteries as you can place charged batteries with the terminals up and dead batteries with the terminals down. <h3>Print Settings</h3> I would highly recommend printing the battery holder with 3+ walls and a strong, flexible filament like Nylon or PETG. Although I have designed a model which has locking tabs I do not recommend printing this as the locking latches are likely to break off and support is needed. <h3>Parts needed</h3> N/A <h3>Installation</h3> (1) Place the batteries inside the holder, either face up or down. (2) Remove the batteries? I don't know, I'm pretty sure you can work out the rest... <h3>Disclaimer</h3> If you are considering or actively printing and selling these please credit the original owner through a link and mention as this design is licensed through the Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution License. <a href="" title="Website"> Website</a> <a href="" title="Instagram"> Instagram</a> <a href="" title="Email"> Contact</a>