Dice Game
This is a "Dice Game" that was designed based on a model shared by jasay in 2011 that is titled "Dice Game". https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:12962 I believe this was a commercial game sold in 1992 as I saw a listing for a game previously sold on Ebay. I don't think the game is still available to buy new. I re-drew it here using Onshape CAD. Please see the original post for detailed directions regarding how to play the game. Simply put, you mix up the numbers, add the numbers on the two highlighted dice (rings around them). Then you combine the numbers on all five remaining dice using the operations +,-,x,/ in any order to match the sum. If you get the exact sum you score 10 points. Alternatively if your within +/- 2 of the sum you score 5 points. The game is played to 50. Note that after printing, you will need to highlight the center die and one of the six outside dice before you play the game. A marker can be used for this. Enjoy!