Star Surge Perimeter Fence 28mm scale
<b> Star Surge Perimeter Fence 28mm scale </b> Long Fence 100mm x 45mm x 1mm Short Fence 49mm x 45 mm x 1mm Short Fence with Gate Post 49mm x 45mm (47mm at post) x 1mm Fence Post 64mm x 2mm Fence Post Corner for Barbed Wire 18mm x 2mm Fence Post Holder 5mm x 2mm Just for rough guestimate type reference: 100mm is almost 4" 50mm is almost 2" 1mm is almost 1/32" 2mm is almost 1/16" <b> While these would have a hard time holding out a horde of zombies, they are the cat's ass for holding in prisoners, or holding out the universe's scum. Spread these around your perimeter and you can be assured of an attack at any time. I can already smell the ham. Assemble them any way the hell you want and be proud of it! These can be used for RPGs, table top miniatures games, dioramas, or photography scenes. The sky is not a limit. </b> <b>Can be used for games like Pulp Alley, Alternity's Edge, 5 Parsecs From Home, Killwager, Cyberpunk, Stargrave, This is Not a Test, Zona Alpha etc. </b>